
Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Day 4
Photo Journalism

It has been a whirlwind since we arrived yesterday at 3 pm. When I commented to Siobhan and Bridget that I didn't think I could post much but pictures tonight, Siobhan said "that's photo journalism." So be it.

Here's the group moments after we arrived beginning the site tour.

and a bit later, with our long term volunteers AJ and Juan ...

and the evening team building games, Helium Hoop and the Lego Game

and today, some intense conversations with Paul Hutchinson, former Corrymeela Centre Director, (during which a bombing in a shoe shop was re-enacted ...) and Sean Pettis, Corrymeela Schools Worker.

and thanks to Lisa McMahon,  a complete stranger who came up to me on Saturday at St. George's Market and said "I'm supposed to take 6 pictures of interesting strangers ... do you mind if I take your picture?" I never have pictures of myself on the blog, so here's one I can live with! Thanks Lisa!